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Pickard April 29, 2015 • 5:37 PM • 3,431 days ago
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Pickard April 29, 2015 • 5:37 PM • 3,431 days ago

The New York Times covers the Obama's new state china created by Pickard

Inspiration From Hawaii in the Obamas’ White House China

APRIL 27, 2015
WASHINGTON — Michelle Obama may be the first first lady whose nail polish matched her White House china service.

Mrs. Obama did not appear publicly on Monday when the White House previewed the new state china she has chosen, which will be used on Tuesday at a state dinner honoring Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan.

But when she dropped by a private unveiling for a handful of décor mavens last week — documented by a White House videographer and posted on the official White House website on Monday — Mrs. Obama’s teal-colored manicure matched the border on her china service.

To put her own stamp on the dinnerware, the first lady broke with the traditional primary colors that have adorned most recent administrations’ china and instead went with a border of what she called Kailua Blue, inspired by the waters off President Obama’s home state, Hawaii. It prompted an “aw” from the commander in chief, who is shown in the video stopping into the China Room for a peek at his dishes while chewing gum and holding a disposable paper cup from the White House mess.

Read the full New York Times article about the Obama tableware here

Photo credit: Doug Mills / The New York Times